Being positive! Why is it so hard?
Positive. Just saying that word is almost enough to frustrate the hell out of me! Thus creating negative feelings …. There’s a lot that has been said and shared about…
What if your life wasn’t meant to be perfect?
Have you ever wondered if your life was just the way that it’s supposed to be, instead of thinking that it should be something else?
Dealing and Living with negative people isn’t easy
Dealing and living with negative people isn’t easy. For some, it’s also not an option to just not deal with those people anymore, for whatever reason that may be. So,…
What should I do on my page tomorrow?
My GG and I were sitting down the other day when I turned to him and said ‘What should I do on my Page for tomorrow?’ We got to discussing…
Does being spiritual mean life will be easy?
I think that a lot of people are under the illusion that being spiritual means life will be easy and well, it doesn’t mean that at all. I’m a firm…
narcisstic people
Unfortunately, we are all going to come across, if we haven’t already, at some stage in our lives a person or people who will constantly belittle and demean you, they…
It’s your stuff
One thing I have learnt during the years as a clairvoyant and I also feel I am somewhat a spiritual counsellor as well, not everyone is wanting to know the…
Negative thoughts
Our thoughts can become habits and often they’re not good habits and when we have negative thought habits, we start feeling miserable and down and look at life in a…
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