Your spiritual journey
Your spiritual journey is a big thing for so many of us to start. However, in this day and age we seem to have so much going on! How do…
Who Gives a Clairvoyant Information?
Who gives a clairvoyant information? That’s a question that I often get asked when I’m doing a reading for someone. I’m only going to be speaking for myself as it’s…
A Spiritual Take on Depression
A spiritual take on depression or sickness. Did you know that there’s a spiritual message in regards to suffering from depression or a serious illness? I actually read an interesting…
How Do You Find Happiness
How do you find happiness? I often write my blogs because a theme starts coming through in questions that people ask. The theme at the moment is happiness, ‘when will…
7 Tips to Starting Your Spiritual Journey
Are you wanting to get on your spiritual journey but not quite sure where to start? I mean, do you meditate? If so, how? Are you supposed to go to…
7 ways to help you start your spiritual journey
If you’re reading this you’re wondering how to start changing your life and become more spiritual. Maybe you’re on a spiritual path and just wondering if you’re doing things correctly….
Wherever you are….
So many of us are forever searching or looking for that place where we think we are supposed to be. What we all need to remember is that wherever you…
Your journey
I’m sure a lot of you have had readings from a clairvoyant before. What I want to mention today is that I don’t want you to consult a clairvoyant every…
Your journey
Why are people so concerned with their journey? I mean really concerned. I did a reading a few weeks ago, and this isn’t the first time that this question comes…
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