Forgiving and why you should do it
Forgiving can be one of the most difficult things to do. Especially when it comes to forgiving someone who hasn’t apologised for what they’ve said or done. We can hold…
Don’t ignore your mental health! Make it a priority every day.
Mental Health, it’s just as important if not more so than your physical health. Yet so many people focus on losing weight and trying to eat better. However, when it…
Looking after yourself isn’t selfish?
You need to look after yourself. I know you know that, but are you actually doing it? Because looking after yourself isn’t selfish. When you’re a parent you need to…
Toxic people
When the topic of toxic people comes up, most people think of controlling people, people who are out to get you, people who are cruel and uncaring. The fact is…
October 2014 Newsletter
September has been a busy month. My Gorgeous Guy and I travelled to Tamworth and I did a couple of parties on the Saturday and headed home on the Sunday….
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