Tuning in with your Spirit Guides isn’t as complicated nor as difficult as you may think!

The first step is to just chill out a bit and not try so hard to connect with them.  Sometimes we just try too hard to make something happen.

Your Spirit Guide can be someone that you have loved that has passed over or someone that you’ve never met.

Just because you may not have met them, doesn’t mean that they don’t have your best interests at heart!

Tuning in to your spirit guides is as simple as meditation. 

If you struggle with meditation and it can take some practice, I offer a guided meditation for FREE!  Just click >>HERE if you’re starting out, it makes it a lot easier to connect with your spirit guides.

 Try not to overthink things, even though it’s so easy to do!  We start to analyse the information, then we doubt what we received.  Then you start just going around in circles.

When you tune in to your spirit guides, try not to have pre-conceived ideas about who will come through.

Just because you want your grandmother to come through, doesn’t mean that she will.  However the spirit guide that does come through is the one that is determined to help you.

Another way to connect with them is through writing.

To do this you just sit and clear your mind, putting the intention out to the spirit world that you’d like to connect with one of your spirit guides.

Then just start writing down whatever pops into your mind.

Don’t worry if, at the beginning it doesn’t make sense!  Don’t think about what you want to write or what you want them to look like.  Just the first thing that pops into your mind.

Once you know who your Spirit Guide is, you can talk to them at any time, they’ll listen!

If you’re wanting to ask them a question around guidance, then do so.  But you need to be open to what the answer will be.

Just because, there’s something that you really, really want (and in this instance let’s say getting into a relationship with someone you’re interested), it may actually not be in your best interests to be in a relationship with them.

Your spirit guide is going to give you an answer that is no – accept this.

Remember that they can see the big picture and aren’t emotionally attached to the outcome.

Unlike us, we can become fixated on something that isn’t healthy or trying to make something happen that just isn’t meant to be.

One of the hardest things in life is learning to accept that life isn’t always going to go the way that we want it.

Your spirit guides do want what’s best for you, however that doesn’t actually mean that they won’t let you go through some tough times.

They know what lessons you need to learn, whether that’s forgiveness, humility, compassion, appreciation etc.

Tuning in with your spirit guides is a wonderful thing to be able to do. They will become like a best friend that’s always there and always got your back.

Do the meditation and let me know who your spirit guide is and what they look like!

Love & Light
