What is a clairvoyant?

What is a Clairvoyant?
Well here we are at the beginning of a brand new year and there is a whole heap of mystery and adventures and for some, heartache in store for us over the coming 12 months.
I decided to just briefly touch on ‘What is a Clairvoyant?’ because so many people seem overly confused about what they can and can’t do.
Now, just to be clear, all of this is from my point of view and what I have found for myself – others may disagree or think differently and that’s OK.
In the simplest terms possible when trying to describe what I am, I tell people this, ‘think of me as the postman, there are people in the spirit world that have a message for you and I deliver it. I have no control over what comes through, I can’t force them to give me information’.
If you go to see a clairvoyant, I suggest writing down a list of questions that you would like answered, but please be open to the fact that you may:-
1. Not get an answer at all
2. Not get the answer that you hoped for (and that doesn’t mean the reading is ‘bad/wrong’ just that you didn’t get what you were wanting)
Clairvoyants are not omnipotent, we’re not. We don’t know everything, please don’t expect us to. It doesn’t often happen that I don’t get an answer or I may only have a brief amount of information as an answer and I can’t do more than that.
When you go and have a reading, be open to the interpretation of what you are given, personally, I may just get a word, a picture, a moving picture, a physical sensation, or smell something, it comes in bits and pieces and I have to try and put the picture together and the beauty of the English language is a word can mean three different things depending on the context in which it is given!
For example, I can get a tightening in my throat and that’s it, now this can mean someone has committed suicide, has a problem with their thyroid, a sore throat or it could be something coming up all I get is the throat thing and sometimes I need your help to determine what it actually means.
A lot of times people have had readings with me and then a year later have said to me ‘it all now makes sense’, so when you’re having a reading, don’t just dismiss it if it doesn’t make sense right then and there.
Having a reading with me is just like having a chat and this can throw some people off, what they don’t understand is that I am being told everything to say, every example, and key words but we just talk about it, I don’t sit there with a turban on looking into a crystal ball all mysterious, we sit in a couple of comfortable chairs and I do say fuck a lot.
And the biggie to remember – the spirit world will tell you what THEY want YOU to hear, it may have nothing whatsoever to do with the reason that you’re there having a reading, but they don’t care, they want you to know about something else and the reason for that is because it will become important.
One thing I have also found is that I will be told to tell someone something, so that they think ‘hell no, I’m not going to be doing that!’ which is the push that they need to make the necessary changes in their life.
Why have a Clairvoyant reading?
I’m glad you asked.
A clairvoyant reading with me can cover a lot of things – for some it is about finding the love of their life and when, for others it is problems with family / friends / relationships and because I am also a medium (meaning I see and hear from dead people) it is about getting closure when a loved one has died.
I would have to say that one of the main things that people come to see me about is feeling ‘lost’ and so also think of it as spiritual life counselling – it’s good to talk to someone who is outside your life to get a different perspective on things and more often than not, I am told to offer ideas that you hadn’t thought of yourself – but it’s up to you to change and do them if you wish!
Never take a reading as black and white, there are always shades of grey and the grey is because you have to get off your butt and do things to make things happen.
So, for 2016 don’t think of a clairvoyant reading as just having to do with love / family or death, think of it as a way of getting information to help you on a different path, to give ideas and options that you may not have thought about but then it is up to you to go and do it and make the changes.
Katrina-Jane is a clairvoyant based in Newcastle, NSW and is available to do clairvoyants readings worldwide. For more information please head to her website www.katrina-jane.com
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