What is spirituality?
What does ‘being spiritual’ mean? According to Google there is no one definite meaning but in Spirituality for Dummies (I’m still getting to grips that there is even a ‘dummies’ guide!) states it rather well.
“Spirituality is the wellspring of divinity that pulsates, dances, and flows as the source and essence of every soul. Spirituality relates more to your personal search, to finding greater meaning and purpose in your existence. Some elements of spirituality include the following:
Looking beyond outer appearances to the deeper significance and soul of everything. Love and respect for God. Love and respect for yourself. Love and respect for everybody.”
One thing that I would like to add is that just because you may be on a spiritual path doesn’t mean that you’re a pushover, it doesn’t mean that you will allow people to walk all over you, that you don’t set boundaries, that you don’t get angry or passionate about things. I say this because on many an occasion if I don’t ‘give’ someone what they want, let’s just use a free mini reading as an example, I’m suddenly labelled as being ‘unspiritual’, which I find fascinating – why does that action make me unspiritual? It’s as though people seem to think that if you’re spiritual you aren’t allowed to say ‘no’, which, you most definitely are allowed to do.
So, I’m interested in your thoughts – what does being spiritual mean to you?
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