First of all, what IS success – well according to Google it is ….. ‘the accomplishment of an aim or purpose’.

But what does success mean to YOU?

This is something that you need to work out because the meaning of success varies according to who you talk to.  A lot of people talk about ‘success’ and think of it as being famous, rich, powerful, highly educated.  But what actually IS success?

I love this quote by Jim Rohn: “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much”.

The reason that you need to work out what success means to you, is that if you don’t, you’re going to spend a lot of wasted time trying to be someone else’s version of success.

We learn what success means to so many people in our lives when we are children and growing up – our teachers, parents, relatives and friends.  That doesn’t mean that their idea of success is wrong, you just need to make sure that their version lines up with who you are and your own personal goals and beliefs.

Most people think of success as something that you attain – wealth, 100k+ followers on social media, fame, etc, but did you know that some of the biggest success also had ultimate failures.

As Winston Churchill has said: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.”


How do you work out what success means to you?

How about starting by thinking of those things that bring you joy.  If you love building up your business and working on it – then go for it, but you may prefer solitude and just having the time to write that book or perfect a craft.

Success is more than likely nothing like what you think it is, and that’s perfectly alright, in fact, that’s the way that it should be.

Another quote, this time by Bruce Lee: “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself; do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”


If you’re going to spend your time trying to be someone else, all you’re going to do is make yourself miserable and burnt out.  Just remember that you, and yes – I’m talking to you – are already a success.

Don’t think that you have to reach a certain goal to think of yourself as success!

Success is a goal but it’s also the journey, the things that we achieve along the way, the things we learn, the things that we change our minds about.  They are all success!  Don’t think that success is only being famous or being a multi-millionaire because you will have gone through a lot of successes to get to that final destination.

Ask yourself this question – What truly matters to me?

Answer it honestly!

If what matters to you is being debt free, then that’s your goal.  It doesn’t mean you have to be debt free in a mega mansion on the water.  It might mean a little cottage that you own outright and can relax a bit more.

Don’t over expand what it is that matters to you.  Don’t make it a quest, be honest, what is it that matters to you.

Does it mean:-

  • Being in a mutually supportive relationship?
  • Seeing your children living their lives independently?
  • What about having a job you enjoy?
  • Being able to afford to go on a holiday?

One of the main mistakes that people do is compare themselves to others.  We don’t know what goes on behind closed doors, we don’t know what someone else’s bank account is.

You may think that the neighbours have this awesome life going on overseas holidays all the time, but what you don’t know is that they are in debt up to their eyeballs with 5 different credit cards all maxed out and they are about to lose their house to foreclosure.

So, have a think about what success means to you and work towards that, not what society dictates or what others have, because when you think of your life, I can pretty well guarantee that you are already successful in so many different ways.

And just because you may ‘fail’ at reaching one of your goals doesn’t mean that you are a failure, it means you tried.

And this in itself is a success!

What do you think?  What does success look like to you?  I would love to hear! 🙂

Love & Light


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