When your time is up on earth!
I was having an interesting conversation with my Gorgeous Guy the other day.
It was all about dying.
Probably doesn’t sound interesting but more morbid, however, it wasn’t!
In our western culture there is a real fear around getting old and dying.
Dying isn’t celebrated or respected as it is in other cultures.
I’m going to share with you my beliefs around dying and hopefully, this may help you alleviate some of your fears around it all.
As always, these are my views and if you don’t agree with them, that’s fine. I’m not trying to force anyone to think differently just sharing a different viewpoint.
To start with, I believe in reincarnation, so we come back to learn things, to help our souls grow so that we can eventually stop reincarnating because we’ve gotten to a much higher soul level.
May I just put in that there’s no competition around reaching levels!
I believe that before we come to this world, we have a set number of experiences that we have to go through, for example a parent going through the loss of a child or a child the loss of a parent.
I also believe that we have a time limit of how long we are going to live for.
A death date if you want to call it that.
It doesn’t change.
There is nothing that you can do that can change that date.
When you’re meant to pass over, you’ll pass over.
What I mean by that is someone may say that you’re going to die of a car accident on a certain date, which may I say is totally unethical, but let’s just go with it. So when that day arrives, you decide to stay home for the 24 hours that consists of that date.
There are a number of possibilities that could happen but a couple could be that you’re sitting in your loungeroom and a car crashes into your house which kills you. You could have a stroke or a heart attack, you could choke on some food!
When your time is up, it’s going to happen no matter what you do to try and change it.
All that may vary is the way in which you go.
However, your spirit self would have picked how you’re going to die as well, but as humans we don’t remember all those spiritual contracts we made before coming here.
Does that mean I want to die?
No, of course not!
I feel that I have a lot more living to do and I make sure that I enjoy every day that I have.
But I do know that when my time is up, that’s when I’m meant to go, regardless of the age, because of the spiritual contracts that I’ve made.
As the saying goes, live each day as if it were your last and also live each day as if you’re going to live forever.
Don’t put off things you want to do for ‘later’.
But also enjoy every day as if they’re never going to end.
A great-aunt a few times removed was a very religious lady. She died in her sleep on a Friday night.
Everything was organised in her home. Her tithe was set aside. Her finances were in order. Her house was tidy.
She lived as if that day was her last.
That didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy her days!
So, please, think about it.
Enjoy every day you have, don’t put off for ‘later on’ what you can do and enjoy now. But, also, don’t live in fear waiting for the end because then you’re not living.
Love & light
Katrina x
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