Why Do Our Spirit Guides Hang Around?
There’s always a lot of talk about our spirit guides – what type, who they are, how many?
Plenty of people love having someone ‘famous’ as their spirit guide as well! (insert eye roll)
When you accept that you have a spirit guide, guardian angel god / goddess that is around you, have you ever wondered why? As in why do we actually have spirit guides?
What is their purpose?
Why is it that when we have died our soul comes back to keep an eye on those of us that they have left behind?
Do Guardian Angels / gods / goddesses have some special task that they need to perform or help us with?
Now, as I write this, I don’t want you thinking for one moment that I’m the ‘be all’ and ‘know all’ of everything.
I’m not. (hope you’re sitting down from the shock!)
I am just sharing with you what I have discovered through doing readings for years, what information has been given to me and what my impressions are when it comes to anything spiritual.
To start at the beginning, we re-incarnate as humans so that we can experience all that there is to experience as humans; to give us a greater understanding as we move on to being a spirit guide and then up to an angel.
That’s why we have to reincarnate so many times, because there’s a hell of a lot to experience as humans. We can’t do it all in one lifetime.
We don’t remember why we re-incarnate, what exact experiences that we are supposed to experience, what lessons we need to learn.
That in itself can be incredibly overwhelming for us mere humans.
We go through heartache and pain and extreme lows. Then we go through happiness and joy and huge highs.
That’s what our spirit guides, our soul connections are. They are essentially our personal cheerleading squad.
Because it’s just so nice to know that when we’re going through all those emotions and experiences, that we’re not doing it alone.
Our spirit guides are there to offer comfort when we need it, and to give us hope by giving us signs that they’re around and we’re not alone.
They’re also there, cheering and enjoying in the fun, celebratory and happy times.
However, they’re not around to stop things from happening. We have chosen what we need to go through, so they will let us, because it’s something that we need to experience. They’re not going to stop bad things from constantly happening, that’s not their job.
So, whenever you’re feeling low, that you’re all alone.
You’re not.
Even if you can’t sense them, that doesn’t mean that they’re not around.
They are always figuratively holding your hand to help you through this journey called life, so don’t forget to thank them and talk to them whenever you need to.
Love & Light
Katrina Jane
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